Coaching Approach

MindPower - Understand the Power of Your Mind and Why You Achieve What You Believe

1. How Your Mind Shapes Your World...and What You Can do to Shape Your Mind

2. Power of Possibility - Why You Achieve What You Believe (The Good & the Bad)

3. Building Neural Pathways - How to Create Your Path to Success

4. The Secret Radar in Your Brain - How to Use Your RAS to Achieve Your Goals

5. Power Shifting - How to Choose Your Power Even When Things don't Go Your Way

InnerPower - How to Think for Yourself, Make Good Decisions, and Stand Up to Peer Pressure

6. The Power of Self-responsibility - How to Be "The Boss of Me"

7. Choosing Integrity - What You Do When No One is Looking

8. Make Your Mark with Respect - Understanding Your Impact on Others

9. Make Your Mark with Self-respect - Understanding Your Impact on You

10. How to Make Good Decisions - Choosing What You Want for You

11. Standing Up to Peer Pressure - How to Say "Yes" to You and "No" to Peer Pressure

MePower - How to Develop Soaring Self-esteem and Powerful Self-confidence

12. I Love Me! How to Develop Soaring Self-esteem

13. I Honor Me! How to Be Yourself and Honor Your Uniqueness

14. I Believe in Me! How to Develop Unstoppable Self-confidence

15. Self-talk - Mastering the Secret Behind Self-esteem and Self-confidence

16. Self-coaching - How to Conquer the Day-to-day Ups & Downs & Create Daily Mastery

DreamPower - Create Your Vision, Achieve Your Goals, & Manifest Your Dreams!

17. Creating Your Vision - What do You Want?

18. Goal Setting - How to Turn Your Vision into Action!

19. Law of Attraction - Using Attraction and Action to Manifest Your Goals

20. Visualization - How Winning in Your Mind Creates Winning in Life!

21. Affirmations - How to Program Your Mind to Reach Your Goals

22. Gratitude - How an Attitude of Gratitude Prepares You for Your Dreams

SlayingDragons - Learn to Bust Through Fear, Mistakes, Failure, and Change

23. Overcoming Mistakes - How to Learn from Mistakes and Let them Go

24. Managing Fear - How to Create Courage and Bust Outside of Your Comfort Zone 

25. Moving Past Failure - How to "Put it in a Box" and Keep on Goin' 

26. Managing Change - How to Embrace Change and Thrive

27. Conditional thinking - How "if... then" Keeps You from Happiness

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Do you want to educate your children for success? Emerald Mindset LLC is here to help you in this mission. Contact me today and let me assist you in rising and educating high-value kids.